
Nonviolent Communication IN the Workplace

Communication is the key to building trust; and trust is the key to building a high-performing team. Learn how to express feelings, needs, and requests in a deeply respectful and powerful way with NVC for the Workplace. This training is geared to executive and leadership teams, department teams, and project teams, and can also be customized for individuals.

  • Improve communication leading to greater productivity

  • Discover tools to build and enhance trust between team members

  • Engage with conflict in productive and healthy ways and reduce conflict duration


Consent, Boundaries and Capacity

Most of us were raised in a “No means No” paradigm in which the absence of no equals yes. Today, we are nurturing a “Yes means Yes” culture in which our ability to ask for, give or withhold consent is essential to getting our needs met in healthy and sustainable ways.

This training is for individuals, couples or relationship pods seeking to learn:

  • Meaningful, research-based definitions of consent, boundaries and capacity

  • Practices for self-evaluating capacity and defining personal boundaries

  • Skills to communicate boundaries, consent or non-consent and responding to others expressing boundaries, consent or non-consent

The Road to Reconnection

Miscommunications are common, boundaries get crossed, and hurt feelings happen but they don’t have to end in disconnection. Successful repair conversations allow you to feel closer than ever before as you build trust and gain confidence in your ability to withstand inevitable relational challenges. 

This training is for individuals, couples or relationship pods seeking to learn:

  • How to initiate and lead a repair conversation

  • How to navigate the often intense emotions that arise when feelings are hurt

  • How to reconnect and enhance trust after disconnection