I'm not a perfectionist...or so I thought

I'm not a perfectionist, those people who are so thorough and thoughtful in whatever they complete... at least that was what I thought until my friend pointed out that all my delay, my postponing, my resistance, is based in my story that I'm not ready and what I am creating is not ready.... the 'not ready' is my perfectionist showing up. Caught ya!

Like most everyone my ego wants to 'look good' and my pride wants to 'look great.' Instead no one looks at all because my creative expressions are all stuck inside - it's a creative backup that, just like a physical back up, leaves me slightly nauseated.

And could lead to a messy creative explosion, the antithesis of perfection. After a creative explosion I 'have' an excuse that perpetuates the cycle of perfectionistic constipation - 'see, THAT didn't work', back to holding it all in.

Only not any more - I received the golden permission slip (because I gave it to myself) to create imperfectly, to let go and let flow.

What permission slip are you in need of giving yourself today? What will bring you closer to the future self and world you wish to inhabit? Please share!